Fabienne Hara


Fabienne Hara

Fabienne Hara
Paris Peace Forum
Deputy Director General

Deputy Director General of the Paris Peace Forum, Fabienne Hara is a senior foreign policy expert and nonprofit leader for international thinktanks, philanthropic and non-profit organizations such as Open Society, the Bill and Melinda Gates’, the Elders’ Foundations and has coordinated special projects involving strategic foresight and planning, policy analysis and research, and global advocacy campaigns in recent years;she also served as a special adviser for the Dakar International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa in 2014 and 2015, an initiative of the French and Senegalese governments.
Until 2014, she was the Vice-President for Multilateral Affairs of the International Crisis Group, overseeing the organization’s advocacy and research at the United Nations, and directing the New York office. She was also Crisis Group’s first Africa director from 1998 to 2004. Prior to joining Crisis Group as a Vice-President, she served as Acting/Deputy Political Chief of the United Nations Mission in Sudan (2006- 2007), as Senior Political Officer in the Department of Political Affairs at the UN and as mid-career Fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Ms. Hara also served as the Great Lakes Project Coordinator at the Center for Preventive Action of the Council on Foreign Relations (1996-1997) and as a Team Leader for Doctors of the World in Burundi (1995).
She has over twenty-five years of policy experience in conflict management and resolution issues, African affairs and multilateral diplomacy, topics on which she has published extensively, taught graduate students at Paris School of international affairs of Sciences Po, SIPA, Columbia, (New York), Pantheon-Sorbonne (Paris), and trained mid-career fellows at the Geneva Center for Security Policy and ETH (Zurich). She is a member of the ECFR Council, and SNF Fellow at the Tallberg Foundation.